
A major concern in emergency medical services (EMS) planning has been the need to minimize response time to better patient outcome, translated by some EMS operations into a goal of a response time of 8 minutes or less for advanced life support (ALS) units responding to life-threatening events. Several research results suggested there may be a small beneficial effect of response ≤7 minutes 59 seconds for those who survived to become an inpatient. More information on this can be found here and here

Therefore, to find out what factors are assoicated response time could be the first step to reduce the response time. Due to its large population, New York City requires a powerful, quick, well-equipped and effective Emergency Medical Service System. Hence, we explored the data of EMS response time in New York City in the year 2017 with respect to weather, time and street blockage.

About the data:

Incidents Responded to by Fire Companies: []

This dataset contains detailed information on incidents handled by FDNY Fire units and includes fire, medical and non-fire emergencies. The original dataset contains 24 columns from which our aim outcome variable is response time which was obtained by subtracting incident time and arrival time. We are also interested in area(borough and zipcode) and street highway.

This dataset contains detailed information on incidents handled by FDNY Fire units and includes fire, medical and non-fire emergencies. For this project, we have filtered only EMS related data. The data is collected in the New York Fire Incident Reporting System (NYFIRS), which is structured by the FDNY to provide data to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). NFIRS is a modular all-incident reporting system designed by the U.S. Fire Administration.

The New York City Weather Data [] This dataset includes weather records of the city from 2014- 2018. We have restrcited our analysis to 2017 so the data was filtered accordingly. From this dataset, we have selected precipication and snow everyday throughout the year.

Street Closure due to Construction data : [] From this datset of 7 columns, we have filtered out work state and end date in 2017, on and from street and borough code for our interest.

here with the zip codes, for us to filter the selected neighborhood in both the incident and the street closure data.