Variation of EMS Response Time (Click on each EDA Plot to see it)


EDA Plot 1: The response is delayed peak around 5 am and getting improved. Based on this result, hour of the day will be categorized into dawn, morning, afternoon and night.

EDA Plot 2: Both precipitation and snow are categorized into three categories according to the amount. It appears that precipitation is not correlated with response time as much as snow is.

EDA Plot 3: Mean response time is slightly increased in winter, which may be explained along with snow variable.


Result Plot: Odds Ratio with respect to weather, rain and hour of day. From snow, as expected from EDA, compared to no snow conditions, odds of over 8min response time is increased 24% by 0~50mm (low) snow and 47% by over 50mm snow (high). In season, as compared to Spring, Summer does not affect odds of over 8min response time but odds is increased in Fall by 6% and in Winter by 7%. For rain statistically, significant result was not obtained from rain variable and it matches the result of EDA. For hour of the day, in reference to night, odds of over 8min response time is increased at dawn by 26%, in the morning by 37% and in the afternoon by 35%.